Linux Create A Bootable USB Pen

You need to format your USB pen device as Win FAT32. Once formatted type the following commands to make it bootable.

USB Pen Device Name : /dev/sdb1
DVD Mount : /media/cdrom0
USB Mount Point : /media/usb
USB File System : Win FAT32
ISO or DVD Image : Fedora / CentOS / RHEL

WARNING: These examples may crash your computer or result in data loss if not executed properly. You must understand device names, file systems and required to use fdisk partition table manipulator for Linux. This howto intended to simplify first-time installation of Linux, and for creation of rescue and other special-purpose boot disks.


Type the following command to mount Fedora 12 iso image:
# mount Fedora-12-x86_64-netinst.iso -o loop /media/cdrom0/
# DVD=/media/cdrom0
# ls -l $DVD

Install XP from USB -

***** USB_MultiBoot.cmd - Install XP from USB *****
1. Introduction
The Batch Program USB_MultiBoot.cmd can prepare a Bootable USB-Stick,
which can be used to Install XP from USB.
Install from USB-Drive is of general use, it's convenient and faster than installing from CD or DVD,
but is limited to computers that are able to boot from USB, as determined by BIOS and Motherboard.
Updating and Changing an USB-stick is also easier than preparing a new Bootable CD or DVD.
Install XP from USB is very useful when the computer does not have a optical drive,
like e.g. ASUS Eee subnotebook.
Preparing a Bootable USB-Drive with USB_MultiBoot.cmd Involves:

  • Format USB-stick like a Bootable Harddisk Drive with NTLDR BootSector
    using PeToUSB or HP USB Format Tool
  • Select from the Main Menu of USB_MultiBoot.cmd
    1 - Give XP Setup Source Folder and give UserData for XP Setup
    2 - Give USB-Drive Target
    3 - Make Bootable USB-Drive with XP Setup Folders
Installing XP from USB requires a Reboot from USB-Drive
and Select from Boot Menu: 1. Begin TXT Mode Setup Windows XP

- Download Direct from CD Forum:

Or from BootLand Forum:

Or from Mirror (Thanks to Siginet) -

- Unpack to your Harddisk in a simple Path without SPACES.

USB_MultiBoot.cmd is Vista Compatible, but requires User Account Control OFF.
In this case a BOOTMGR type BootSector is made when Formatting the USB-Drive.
Such Bootsector is Detected and Auto Converted by BootSect.exe to
NTLDR type Bootsector required for booting with boot.ini Menu
XP as OS is Preferred for Speed of FileCopy to USB ( 10 min instead of 30 minutes for Vista OS )

The procedure for installing Windows XP from a bootable USB-stick was developed by
ilko_t , jaclaz , cdob, porear and wimb at MSFN Forum

- Install XP from USB at MSFN Forum

- List of FAQs

- More Info See
Guide with ScreenShots

- More Help with Bookmarks is available in the Help_Info Folder in

- Use of MultiBoot.cmd and everything in this Guide is COMPLETELY
use at your own risk.